When you are dealing with difficult people do you often find you feel agitated or angry?
That you can’t get them to see your point of view on something?
It’s true that we can’t avoid difficult people and we wont always see eye to eye. So what can we do?
In the book, ‘How to Solve Our Human Problems’, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso explains that if we stop seeing other people as problems they stop being problems. If we learn to change our attitude, our perspective, with regards to others then we change how we feel about them and our reaction to them.
When we learn we have choice and can direct our mind in a more beneficial direction we start to see that the difficulties we see can be just the challenges we need to grow inside
The teacher of this talk on dealing with difficult people is Dave Stones. Dave has been a Kadampa practitioner and teacher for many years. He teaches from his own experience in daily life in a way that shows how through training our mind we can definitely find peace and happiness, even in challenging times.
These talks will be held at The Friends Meeting House, Elliott Park, Keswick, CA12 5NZ.
These talks will be based on Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s book ‘How To Solve Our Human Problems‘.