Day Retreat – A Mind of Gratitude

New Kadampa Tradition Day

Saturday 5th April

at Uma Kadampa Meditation Centre

with Gen Kelsang Lhachog

Book in advance or turn up and pay cash or card on the door

Members – free and livestream available

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Discover for yourself the uplifting experience of contentment, joy and positive energy that comes from meditating on gratitude.  On this special day, NKT day, we can immerse ourselves in focusing on kindness and rejoicing in the opportunity to enjoy and develop positive peaceful qualities.

On this retreat on ‘A Mind of Gratitude’ Gen Lhachog will guide us through some beautiful meditations taught in Kadampa Buddhism that lead us to a light, positive, inspiring state.

You will learn:

To focus on kindness in others.

To connect with the inspiration of Buddha.